Saturday 6 October 2012

The Problems of Text Talk (I have a new profile pic!)


A lot of the time when you go on Facebook or Twitter, people are always shortening their words to text talk (sms talk). Don’t you hate it when you get a text from a friend and you open it and it says:

“OMG did u c amy? Did u c wat shirt she ws wearn? The 1 Im wearn 4 da party looks gr8! K, g2g, cya!”

People are just shortening and misspelling words on purpose just because they are too lazy to talk properly. It’s not just kids and teens, but more and more adults are also doing it! Some kids get so used to speaking in abbreviation that they learn to use it in school work and real life things. It becomes a bad habit that they need to reverse.

I believe that if we continue that way, our country will eventually become unable to construct a sentence correctly without any abbreviations. So next time you go onto Facebook or Twitter or any other online communication method, please try to use your language correctly and respect it or one day in the far future our language may become a strangely spelled mess.

Also, I have a new profile picture!  

I would like to thank Honokuma, my friend who draws anime for drawing this amazing picture of me!!! His website is
The meaning behind this picture is the glasses are Harry Potter glasses to show my interest in th
e HP series (I don't actually wear glasses) and the blue dress is because I'm in Ravenclaw!!! The glasses also make me look a bit nerdy, don't you think???
I also like anime which is why my picture is anime chibi. (chibi means small/child, so if you draw someone as chibi, it means you are drawing them really small and cute but still with some adult features.)


See you next Friday!

Nerdling ^_^

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