Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Nerdling's Trip to the Harry Potter Exhibition

As you already know from one of my previous posts, I am a massive Harry Potter fan! A couple of months ago my parents surprised me with a trip to Sydney to see the Harry Potter exhibition!
Going to the Harry Potter was one of the best experiences of my life! It was incredible to be in arm’s length of the costumes and props for the movies! Apart from objects from the movies, they also had two activities in which visitors can throw a Quaffle into Quiddich hoops and pull squealing mandrakes out of pots.
Once you are in the main queue, you have a photo taken in front of a green screen inside a gold frame. Once your group has come to the front, a staff member- usually hired for their native British accent-recites the rules (No photographs, No touching things, No using portkeys/apparition) and you are allowed in.
You do not have to rush; you can take your time because you do not need to be out at a certain time! But once you enter the shop you cannot go back into the exhibition. In the shop they had wands, clothing, jewelry (time turners), object replicas from the movies, pins, ‘Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans’ (they don’t really have every flavour), etc.
I came home with Luna Lovegood’s wand and a 24 carat gold plated time turner replica of Hermionie’s time turner in ‘Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’.


  1. Oh, I always wanted to go to the Harry Potter exhibition. But it's sadly not coming down to Melbourne :(

  2. Yes, it is a shame it only came to Sydney. It makes it so much harder to get to it if you are (for example) in another state of Australia. I bet so many HP fans missed out!
