Saturday, 7 January 2012

Definition of a nerd...

According to the Macquarie dictionary second revision (published in 1987), the definition of a nerd is:
“Nerd- an idiot; a fool”
According to the Macquarie international English dictionary complete and unabridged edition (published in 2004), the definition of a nerd is:
1.       An offensive term that deliberately insults somebody’s physical appearance or social skills. (slang insult)
2.       Somebody who is considered to be excessively interested in a subject or activity that is regarded as too technical or scientific. (often used in combination; offensive in some contexts)

Now everybody has their own opinion but here is my definition of nerd:
“An individual who doesn’t copy what other people are doing, and sometimes can be extremely technical or socially awkward.  People often stereotype the definition of the word ‘nerd’ as an unfashionable, scientific, social outcast.”
My definition of ‘nerdling’ is similar:
“An individual who believes in his/her own style, way or beliefs, which are usually different from others. Some times has an urge to prove themselves to others, to stand out or to show others their point of view.”
If there are any ‘nerds’ out there who are treated like the first two definitions, don’t despair, be yourself and maybe one day people will except you for who you are.


  1. Hi Nerdling
    I just wanted to say hi, as I'm a relative of yours in the blogosphere. You see, I'm a dag! Dags and nerds are like blogging cousins :)
    Anyway, I see you've just started blogging. I've just started too and it always makes my day to see a comment on my own blog so here is my comment to you. Hope this keeps you inspired to keep blogging.

  2. Thank you for commenting Kim!
    I love your blog,

    Your comment has inspired me because it is a sign that people do read my blog!

    From your blogging cousin,

  3. No worries Nerdling!
    It's very disheartening when no one comments on your blog. Look forward to reading more.
    PS Love your owl in the blog header. Hoot hoot!
