Saturday, 29 June 2013

B is for BookCrossing!

Hello All!!
The topic of this post is 'B is for BookCrossing'.
What is BookCrossing? Well, as the BookCrossing website says, "It's the world's library"!!!

"Label. Share. Follow. Breath new life into books instead of letting your old favorites collect dust - pass them along to another reader. Our online archival and tracking system allows members to connect with other readers, journal and review literature and trade and follow their books as lives are changed through “reading and releasing”. Users are able to tag and track their individual books by marking them with BCIDs (BookCrossing Identity Numbers). Each BCID is unique to each book – once it’s registered on our site, the book can then be followed and journaled forever. BookCrossing is free to join and free to play. So don't be 'shelf'ish with your books - read and release!"

Here is a video called "The Paperback Traveller". It is a video that explains the journey of a BookCrossing book! 

Please join and spread the word!! I am actually an active member!! :)
See you next weekend!!
Nerdling :)

Friday, 21 June 2013

A is for Alphabet & Assassin's Creed

Long time no see! :)
From now on, every weekend, I will post a post that relates to a letter of the alphabet! I call it 'Alphabet of Nerdling-ness'!! The post will be of videos, websites, blog, etc. that i like. I will also rate my top 10 of movies, books, etc.

So for this post, I will show you two videos relating to Assassin's Creed! First is a video of Lindsey Stirling's Assassin's Creed Theme Cover! I love this song so much, and the video also looks really good! :) I have also done another post back in January on one of Lindsey's covers!

The second video for this post is an amazing video of a guy in an Assassin's Creed costume doing parkour (also known as free running). I love this video!!

I hope you have enjoyed these videos!!
Come back next week for the post related to the letter 'B'!
See you next week,
Nerdling :)